And that’s good news! By obtaining ISO 9001:2015 certification, VTE is taking the next positive step in its change and improvement processes.
ISO 9001, a household name in almost every industry, an internationally recognized standard. Developed to help companies create processes that meet the highest standards of quality and accountability. The certificate is confirmation that VTE’s management system meets these set standards.
The benefit of being an ISO 9001:2015 certified partner? It signs that they are a dedicated partner for their clients. That internal work processes are closely monitored and any deviations and imperfections are quickly identified.
Besides this structured way of working, the plan->do->check->act circle leads to continuous quality improvement and assurance.
Also for our employees the quality improvement and assurance is tangible in their daily work. Processes are better aligned, actions are more concrete and the follow-up is more effective. A great step that we as a team are very proud of.
But of course it doesn’t stop here. All processes are continuously monitored internally and externally. We continue to focus on improving our processes in order to offer the best products and service to our customers!